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Journal articles
Tagat, A., Phokeer, A., & Kreitem, H. (2024). Net Loss: An econometric method to measure the impact of Internet shutdowns. ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies.
Maitra, P., & Tagat, A. (2024). Labor supply responses to rainfall shocks. Review of Development Economics, 1–37.
Tagat, A., Kapoor, H., & Kulkarni, S. (2023). Private lives: experimental evidence on information completeness in spousal preferences. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1-14.
Kapoor, H., Rezaei, S., Gurjar, S., Tagat, A., George, D., Budhwar, Y., & Puthillam, A. (2023). Does incentivization promote sharing “true” content online? Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review.
Arora, V., Chakravarty, S., Kapoor, H., Mukherjee, S., Roy, S., & Tagat, A. (2023). No going back: COVID-19 disease threat perception and male migrants' willingness to return to work in India. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 209, 533-546.
Balaji A, Tagat A (2023). Unhealthy Shock: Changes in Household Expenditures in the First Wave of COVID-19 in India. Journal of Health Management, 25(1), 77-86. doi:10.1177/09720634231153207
Inamdar, V., Tagat, A. & Parekh, A. (2023). The Effect of Women’s Empowerment on Intimate Partner Violence and Child Nutrition Outcomes in India, Nepal, and Pakistan, Journal of South Asian Development, 18(1), 44–69. [Working Paper version].
Tagat, A., & Kapoor, H. (2023). We're very grateful: Moral emotions, role models, and trust predict vaccine uptake intent in India. Behavioural Public Policy 7(3), 679-700. doi:10.1017/bpp.2023.12
Kapoor, H., Tagat, A., Ticku, A., & Karandikar, S. (2022). How to Catch ‘Em All? An Investigation of Personality and Gameplay Styles in Pokémon GO, PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality 2022; 29 23–36. doi:
Tagat, A., Kapoor, H., Arora, V., Chakravarty, S., Mukherjee, S. & Roy, S. (2022) Double jab: Survey evidence on vaccine hesitancy, beliefs, and attitudes in India, Health Communication, doi: 10.1080/10410236.2022.2028480
Tagat, A., Khandelwal, A., & Kapoor, H. (2021). Networked nudging: Designing a voter registration nudge in urban India. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 5(S2), 53-60. [Paper]
Khandelwal, A. & Tagat, A. (2021). #DevResearch: Exploring Development Researchers Twitter Use for Research Dissemination. Scholarly and Research Communication, 12(1). doi:10.22230 / src.2021v12n1a395
Tagat, A., George, N., Gupta, N., & Kapoor, H. (2021). Breaking the Law. Indian Public Policy Review, 2(4), 76-97.
Mookerjee, D., Chakravarty, S., Roy, S., Tagat, A., & Mukherjee, S. (2021). A Culture-Centered Approach to Experiences of the Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown Among Internal Migrants in India. American Behavioral Scientist, doi:10.1177/00027642211000392
Kapoor, H., & Tagat, A. (2021). Worry much? Preventive health behaviours related to worry across countries amid COVID-19. Journal of Health Psychology. doi:10.1177/1359105321999090
Parekh, A., Tagat, A., Kapoor, H., & Nadkarni, A. (2021). The Effects of Husbands’ Alcohol Consumption and Women’s Empowerment on Intimate Partner Violence in India. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260521991304 [Code]
Kapoor, H., Ticku, A., Tagat, A., & Karandikar, S. (2021). Innovation in isolation? COVID-19 lockdown stringency and culture-innovation relationships. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 83. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.593359
Tagat, A. (2020). Female matters: Impact of a workfare program on intra-household female decision-making in rural India. World Development Perspectives, 20, 100246. [Paper] [Code]
Tagat, A., & Kapoor, H. (2020). Go Corona Go! Cultural beliefs and social norms in India during COVID-19. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 4(S), 9-15. [Paper]
Tagat, A., & Trivedi, P. L. (2020). Demand for cash: an econometric model of currency demand in India. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 13(2), 205-222. doi:10.1080/17520843.2020.1722193. [Data Appendix]
Jha, R., Nagarajan, H. K., & Tagat, A. (2019). Jati, local public goods and village governance. Economic & Political Weekly, 54(49), 43-50. [Paper]
Tagat, A. Kapoor, H., and Tagat, A. (2019). Giving In: Crowdfunding for musical concerts in India. International Journal of Music Business Research, 8 (2), 27-52. [Paper]
Borooah, V. K., Tagat, A., & Mishra, V. (2019). Conflict, caste and resolution: a quantitative analysis for Indian villages. Indian Growth and Development Review, 12 (2). doi:10.1108/IGDR-08-2019-0087. [Paper]
Jha, R., Nagarajan, H. K., & Tagat, A. (2019). Restricted and Unrestricted Fiscal Grants and Tax Effort of Panchayats in India. Economic & Political Weekly, 54(32), 69. [Paper]
Tagat, A. (2019). The taxman cometh: Behavioural approaches to improving tax compliance in India. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 3(1), 12-22. [Paper]
Tagat, A. and Kapoor, H. (2018). Sacred Nudging and Sanitation Decisions in India. India Review 17 (3), 301-319. doi:10.1080/14736489.2018.1473320
Borooah, V. K., & Tagat, A. (2015). Measuring the Size of the ‘Democratic Deficit’ in Rural India: A Village Level Study. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, 2(1), 3–24.
Book chapters
Kapoor, H., & Tagat, A. (2024). Transforming behavioral science, creatively. In Transformational Creativity: Learning for a Better Future (pp. 183-196). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Paper]
Kapoor, H. and Tagat, A. (2020). Everything counts: Big data and creativity science, In F. Reisman (Ed.), 70 Years of Research into Creativity (pp.125-143). London: KIE Conference Publications. [Paper]
Kapoor, H. and Tagat, A. (2017). How happy is a creative country? A country-level analysis of creativity and subjective well-being. In F. Reisman (Ed.), Creativity, innovation, and well-being (pp.165-188). London: KIE Conference Publications. [Paper]
Borooah, V and Tagat, A. (2016). Political Participation in Rural India: A Village Level Study, In: Schofield N., Caballero G. (eds) State, Institutions and Democracy. Studies in Political Economy (pp 159-191). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44582-3_7 [Paper]
Kapoor, H., Tagat, A., and Cropley, D. (2016). Fifty Shades of Creativity : Case Studies of Malevolent Creativity in Art, Science, and Technology. In F. Reisman (Ed.), Creativity in the Arts, Science, and Technology (pp. 25-44). London: KIE Conference Publications. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4702.4244. [Paper]
Other peer-reviewed work
Tagat, A. (2020). Book review: Matthew McCartney, The Indian Economy. South Asia Research, 40(3), 440–443.
Tagat, A. and Kapoor H. (2020). "Context Matters for Nudgers, Too: A Lesson from One of the Most Diverse Countries on Earth. Behavioral Scientist.
Tagat, A. (2018). Book Review: Jun-ichi Okabe and Aparajita Bakshi, A New Statistical Domain in India: An Enquiry into Village Panchayat Databases. South Asia Research, 38(3_suppl), 105S-109S.