Working Papers

Below are manuscripts from some of my ongoing work with collaborators. They are organized by broad area of work, and please contact me for any papers that are not available publicly.

"Can Incentives for Sharing True Information Affect Discernment? Results from an online experiment in India," with Apoorva Thakur (Monk Prayogshala), Sarah Rezaei, Swanaya Gurjar, Denny George, Yash Budhwar, Arathy Puthillam, and Hansika Kapoor. Paper available on request.

"Language capital and grade repetition: Evidence from nationally-representative survey data in India," with Bijoyetri Samaddar (U Wisconsin). Revise and resubmit. 

"Financial literacy and inclusion in India: Evidence from district-level data after demonetization, " with Abhishek Vajjala, Anchal Khandelwal, and Ananya Acharya. 

"Financial Inclusion, Women’s Agency, and Household Welfare in Rural India," with Abhiman Das, Hari K. Nagarajan, Vivek Pandey, and Abhishek Tripathy (IIM-A). Working paper available on request.

"Beyond School: Life skills training, socio-emotional development, and school outcomes in India," with Hansika Kapoor and Akshaya Balaji. Working paper available on request.

"Gender, workfare, and human capital outcomes in India" Under revision.

"State-level estimates of the Human Capital Index for India," with Abhijit Chakraborty (Uni North Bengal) and Sanchari Roy Mukherjee. Forthcoming at Economic and Political Weekly.

"Consumer payments survey of India: a closer look at household finance and methods of payment," with Mehmet Özmen (Uni Melbourne) and Pushpa Trivedi (IIT-B). NCAER-NDIC Working Paper. Under review.

"Bribery, democracy and their impact on governance and welfare: The case of rural India," with Abhiman Das (IIM-A), Raghbendra Jha (ANU), Vivek Pandey (IRMA), and Hari K. Nagarajan (IIM-A). ASARC Working Papers 2017-03, The Australian National University, Australia South Asia Research Centre. Under revision.

"An Experimental investigation of intra-household resource allocation in rural India," with Savita Kulkarni (Gokhale Institute) and Hansika Kapoor. Partnership for Economic Policy Working Paper Series 2016-20. Nairobi: PEP. [Code] [Published version]

"Healthcare provision and local governance," with (late) Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize (Pretoria), Hari K. Nagarajan, and Vivek Pandey (IRMA). Revise and Resubmit. Paper available on request.

"Nobel laureates as heroes in science: A qualitative and quantitative analysis," with Merin Sanil (UTexas) and Hansika Kapoor. Under revision.

Marcoci, A., Wilkinson, D. P., Abatayo, A., Baskin, E., Berkman, H., Buchanan, E. M., Tagat, A .… Wintle, B. (2023, February 15). Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims from the COVID-19 Preprint Replication Project with structured expert and novice groups.